Friday, October 17, 2008

Ready, Set, Vote!

Well, yesterday in the mail, I received my voter registration card. So, I'm all set for the presidential election on November 4th! How 'bout you?

No matter what your political persuasions are, the right to vote is a wonderful privilege. How blessed we are to live in a country where we can actually choose the leaders who will guide this great nation!

So, on November 4th, prayerfully take advantage of this awesome responsibility. Carve out of your schedule, an hour or two (or however long it takes) and vote for the candidate of your choice! You'll feel great about it!

See you at the polls!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We're Taken Care Of...

For many Americans, the last few weeks have been a thick, gloomy cloud of anxiety and confusion. After the economic turmoil on Wall St. and two failed bailout attempts, many are terrified of what the future holds.

As Christians, this is the time for us to remember that we serve The One who will "never leave or forsake us." What a great comfort to know that all our needs will be met, and that El Shaddai (The God who's more than enough), will always take care of us.