At 12:05pm eastern time today, Barrack Obama took the oath of office to become America's 44th president. As the first African-American took the helm of the highest office in the land, the nation witnessed a momentous milestone in American history.
As our new president assumes power, I'd like to share with you this daily devotional I received via email from
Inspiration Ministries: Praying for Political Leaders"Give the king Your judgments, O God, and Your righteousness to the king's son." - Psalm 72:1 NASBSolomon, the author of this Psalm, knew he needed God's blessings in order to rule effectively. He also knew that people should pray for their leaders.
First, Solomon prayed that God would give him His judgments, to help him know how to make wise decisions. Then he prayed for God's righteousness, so he would do what was right. He prayed that he would have compassion and rule with justice.
Solomon prayed for God's blessing on his country, that there would be a minimum of problems, trouble, and unrest. He prayed for financial blessings, for himself and those in his realm...for those involved in business and commerce and those who were growing crops.
He then urged his people never to stop praying for him or other leaders:
"Let them pray for him continually; let them bless him all day long." He asked them to pray he would have success, knowing this would cause God's blessings to flow throughout the land.
It's still urgent today that we pray for our leaders. And while praying for leaders, we must acknowledge God's sovereignty and give Him all the glory. His full blessings only come when we humble ourselves before Him, seek His face, cry out for His wisdom, and obey Him.
Today, pray for the leaders of your city, state, and nation. Pray that they would have Godly wisdom and be concerned for justice and righteousness. Pray that God would bless them. Also pray they would honor and serve Him with their lives and obey His Word.
Pray for a move of God in your country and around the world, that people everywhere, in every nation, would worship Him and bless His name.