Labor Day is Monday, September 7th. It's a day we recognize
the people who's hard work keep this country strong and great! Below, are some fascinating facts about America's Laborers!
The first observance of Labor Day is believed to have been a parade of 10,000 workers on Sept. 5, 1882, in New York City, organized by Peter J. McGuire, a Carpenters and Joiners Union secretary. By 1893, more than half the states were observing a "Labor Day" on one day or another, and Congress passed a bill
to establish a federal holiday in 1894.
President Grover Cleveland signed the bill soon afterward, designating the first Monday in September as Labor Day.
Who Are We Celebrating?
155.1 million
Number of people 16 and older in the nation's labor force
in May 2009.
Employee Benefits
Percentage of full-time workers 18 to 64 covered by health insurance during all or part of 2007.
Percentage of workers in private industry who receive a paid vacation as one of their employment benefits.
Our Jobs
Americans work in a variety of occupations. Here is a sampling:
Occupation Number of employees
Teachers 7.2 million
Chief executives 1.7 million
Janitors and building cleaners 2.1 million
Computer software engineers 1.0 million
Aerospace engineers 137,000
Electricians 874,000
Registered nurses 2.8 million
Social workers 729,000
Clergy 441,000
Hairdressers, hairstylists and cosmetologists 773,000
Chefs and head cooks 351,000
Customer service representatives 1.9 million
Taxi drivers and chauffeurs 373,000
Firefighters 293,000
Roofers 234,000
Pharmacists 243,000
Machinists 409,000
Musicians, singers and related workers 186,000
Artists and related workers 213,000
Gaming services workers (gambling) 111,000
Tax preparers 105,000
Service station attendants 87,000
Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers and weighers 751,000
Welding, soldering and brazing workers 598,000
Farmers and ranchers 751,000
Upcoming Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2010
7.7 million
Number of workers who hold down more than one job. So-called moonlighters comprise 5 percent of the working population. Of these, 4 million work full time at their primary job and part time at their other job.
When do they sleep? Number of moonlighters who work
full time at two jobs.
10.4 million
Number of self-employed workers.
22.5 million
Number of female workers 16 and older in educational services, and health care and social assistance industries. Among male workers 16 and older, 11.3 million were employed in manufacturing industries.
Percentage of workers 16 and older who work more than 40 hours a week. Eight percent work 60 or more hours a week.
Median number of years workers have been with their current employer. About 9 percent of those employed have been with their current employer for 20 or more years.
10.3 million
Number of independent contractors.
15.7 million
Number of labor union members nationwide. About 12 percent of wage and salary workers belong to unions, with Alaska, Hawaii and New York having among the highest rates of any state. North Carolina has one of the lowest rates, 3 percent.
Percentage decline in employment in Elkhart County, Ind., between September 2007 and September 2008, the largest percentage decline among the nation's 334 largest counties. Maricopa, Ariz., posted the largest numerical job loss over the period: 67,100.
Percentage increase in employment in Yakima County, Wash., between September 2007 and September 2008, the largest percentage increase among the nation's 334 largest counties. Harris, Texas, posted the largest numerical job gain over the period: 26,500.
5.7 million
The number of people who work at home.
Another Day, Another Dollar
$45,113 and $35,102
The 2007 annual median earnings for male and female
full-time, year-round workers, respectively.
Average weekly wage in New York County (Manhattan), N.Y., for the third quarter of 2008, the highest among the nation's 334 largest counties. Rutherford, Tenn., led the nation in growth of average weekly wages the third quarters of 2007 to 2008, with an increase of 17 percent ($124).
Hot Jobs
Projected percentage growth from 2006 to 2016 in the number of network systems and data communication analysts. Forecasters expect this occupation to grow at a faster rate than any other. Meanwhile, the occupation expected to add more positions over this period than any other is registered nurses (587,000).
Early, Lonely and Long -- the Commute to Work
17 million
Number of commuters who leave for work between midnight and 5:59 a.m. These early birds represent 13 percent of all commuters.
Percentage of workers who drive alone to work. Another 10 percent carpool, and 5 percent take public transportation (excluding taxicabs).
31.5 minutes
The average time it takes to commute to work for residents of New York state. New York residents had the most time-consuming commute in the nation, followed by that of Maryland residents with 31.1 minutes. The national average was 25.3 minutes.
3.4 million
Number of workers who face extreme commutes to work of 90
or more minutes each day.
Percentage of workers 16 and older living in Virginia who worked and lived in different counties, the highest rate in the nation.
Following is a list of observances typically covered
by the Census Bureau's Facts for Features series:
African-American History Month (February)
Valentine's Day (Feb. 14)
Women's History Month (March)
Irish-American Heritage Month (March)/St. Patrick's Day (March 17)
Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month (May)
Older Americans Month (May)
Mother's Day (May 13)
Father's Day (June 17)
The Fourth of July (July 4)
Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act (July 26)
Back to School (August)
Labor Day (Sept. 3)
Grandparents Day (Sept. 9)
Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15)
Halloween (Oct. 31)
American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month (November)
Veterans Day (Nov. 11)
Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22)
The Holiday Season (December)
SOURCE U.S. Census Bureau