One of the nation's favorite holidays is almost upon us--
Superbowl Sunday! With that in mind, arm yourself with knowledge about the big game, with this great article by
K. Jessie Austin at
Associated Content.Enjoy and may the best team win!
Fun Facts About The SuperbowlWhether you like football or not, it's still fun to impress your friends and family with your infinite knowledge of Super Bowl trivia. In fact, if you don't like football, it will give you something to do during the game to entertain yourself while everyone else watches. Plus not all of the commercials can be as good as expected, so when a lame one comes on your fellow partygoers will be happy someone is there to fill the lull with interesting facts.
On the Monday following Super Bowl Sunday, 6 percent of Americans will call in sick from work. Also on that Monday the sales of antacids will increase by 20 percent. Remember to keep that in mind while you are choosing your Super Bowl Snacks, or buy your antacid ahead of time.
A popular snack consumed by football fans is guacamole. On Super Bowl Sunday these fans will eat around 8 million pounds of it. And they're not eating it by itself; they are eating it with 14,500 tons of chips to dip into it.
Another popular way to dine while watching the game is on the grill. Super Bowl Sunday is the most popular winter grilling day of the season. All together, football fans will probably spend around $50 million on food during the 4 days leading up to the Super Bowl.
Most people will spend Super Bowl Sunday at some sort of party or get together, as only 5 percent of Americans will watch the game by themselves. The average number of people at a Super Bowl Party is 17.
How popular is the Super Bowl? Very popular. 9 out of the 10 most viewed television programs of all time have been Super Bowl games.
Everyone knows the most exciting part of the Super Bowl is watching all the new commercials. Budweiser has been the sole Super Bowl advertiser from the beer category for 13 years.
The Super Bowl has started at or around 6pm Eastern Standard Time since the 1980's.
The only other day of the year with more alcohol-related car accidents than Super Bowl Sunday is St. Patrick's Day...
During the football season over 700.00 footballs are made for official NFL use. 72 of these balls are used for play during the Super Bowl.