God Fights for Us
Thursday, October 22, 2009
"But if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God."Acts 5:39 NASB
Many in Jerusalem welcomed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. They experienced His power to change lives and perform miracles, and there were "many signs and wonders" (v. 12). But soon the established religious leaders tried to reassert control. Peter and John were confronted and arrested. As the Sanhedrin debated how to respond, one of their members, a respected teacher named Gamaliel, provided a powerful argument that won the day.
Gamaliel pointed out that the only standard that really mattered was if their activity was "of God." If their actions were not "of God," they could not succeed. They would fail, because they wouldn't receive His protection, confirmation, and blessing. Yet, as events were to prove, their labor was of God. Therefore, as Gamaliel predicted, nothing formed against them prospered.
If these disciples had tried to fight in their own strength, they would have easily become discouraged or frustrated, afraid or worried. But God was on their side, and they could depend on Him. Trusting in Him, they were victorious.
Today, remember that people in the world may attack you, threaten you, persecute you, discriminate against you, pressure you, ridicule you, or mock you. That's why you need to be sure you are pleasing God and that He is with you.
As you face challenges, tests, and temptations, don't rely on your own strength. Instead, commit these situations to God. Be sure that you're obeying His Word and following the leading of His Spirit. Seek first His Kingdom. Let Him take away your doubts and burdens, and replace your worries with peace, your uncertainty with confidence.
Remember: God is on your side. He is fighting for you!