On Saturday, February 27, a massive 8.8 earthquake (one of the strongest on record), rocked the South American country of Chile. With the death toll in the hundreds, rescuers search for the trapped and missing.
You can assist the people of Chile with your prayers and financial support.
How you can help:
• American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
• American Red Cross
• AmeriCares
• Convoy of Hope
• Direct Relief International
• Doctors Without Borders
• Global Giving
• Habitat for Humanity
• International Medical Corps
• Operation Blessing International
• Salvation Army
• Save the Children
Texting donations for Chile:
In addition to your donation amount, standard text messaging fees may apply.
Convoy of Hope: Text 4CHILE to 50555 ($10 donation)
Habitat for Humanity: Text CHILE to 25383 ($10 donation)
OperationUSA: Text REBUILD to 50555 ($10 donation)
Salvation Army: Text CHILE” to 52000 ($10 donation)
World Vision: Text CHILE” to 20222 ($10 donation)
UNICEF: Text YOUTH to 20222 ($10 donation)