Aah...summertime. It's the moment you've been waiting soo long for--vacation time! And, let's face it, you really deserve it too!
So, because I care, here's a little somethin' I found from Ezine Articles, to help make your summer vacation the best one ever!
Top Summer Vacation Tips
By Jolana Klobouk
Whether you are traveling by plane, train or automobile, summer vacations are the perfect opportunity to get away to a favourite spot or experience new sights and adventures. Most important, it is a time to be together and enjoy each other's company. If however, your trip is not planned correctly, you will spend your vacation stressed out! So regardless if you are packing up the kids in the back of the van or traveling solo to exotic destinations, here are some travel tips to make this summer vacation your best one yet:
Pack Right
Easier said than done right? Packing is a fine balance of bringing what you really need without taking too much. How do you do it? Planning ahead and having a really good list. Bring anything you absolutely must have, bring co-ordinated clothing you can mix and match and make sure to have a list prepared well in advance so you don't forget anything. Don't bring too much of anything, you will not wear six pairs of shoes I promise you, and don't bring anything that can be bought along the way if you really need it.
Have Plenty of Sun Screen, Hats and Sunglasses
The sun is stronger in the summer time and UV rays keep increasing. There is nothing worse then getting sunburned on the first few days of your summer vacation and spending the rest of it uncomfortable. Sun protection is more important now then ever before.
Be Flexible
Leave a little wiggle room in your plans. Give yourself plenty of time for delayed flights and traffic jams. Even if you do not get an opportunity to do something as planned, enjoyable rest stops or detours can be used to explore and can end up being even more memorable than the planned stops.
Bring A Camera
This one sounds obvious I know, but you would be surprised how many people either forget to bring the camera or the extra batteries or the memory card (in the old days it used to be the film) etc. Prepare your camera gear in advance so you have it ready to go, you do not want to miss that great sunset or your child's first encounter with the dolphin.
Keep The Kids Amused
If you are traveling with kids, unless you love to hear "Are we there yet?" over and over, make sure they have enough to stay amused. Have them pack their own travel bags with things they love in order to keep themselves occupied during the trip on the plane or in the car. You can also find inexpensive travel games in stores, or you can play your own such as "I Spy" or the license plate game.
Be Prepared For Rain or Cooler Weather
There is nothing worse then packing t-shirts and shorts only to be hit with a cool spell and spending your summer vacation trying to stay dry and warm. Even if you are traveling to a hot desert, be prepared with basic rain gear and a warm jacket and vice versa.
Be Ready For An Emergency
If traveling by car keep an emergency kit handy that includes jumper cables, basic hand tools, flares or reflective warning triangles, a first aid kit, a flashlight with fresh batteries, and a cell phone if possible.
What Not To Do On Your Summer Vacation
There are a few things you should also not do in order to have a great summer vacation. First, try to avoid traveling during peak times, this means long weekends in the summer, unless you are a sucker for punishment. It also means rush hours in the city if you are driving, try to plan your time around these hours.
Don't break the bank. A recent Expedia survey found that 57 percent of travelers blow their vacation budgets on food and drinks. Ways to get around this include staying at all inclusive resorts and booking rooms with a kitchenette. Before you visit a particular city, check out what activities are free to do there. Especially for kids, there may be lots of parks, museums or just interesting things to look at that will not cost anything.
And the most important tip for having a great summer vacation? Don't overdue it. You are on vacation, don't plan too much into a short amount of time, and leave room to just r-e-l-a-x. Enjoy the glorious summer days and nights, as we all know, they go by way to fast.