Are you living a life that's abundant, or a life that's small?
I want to share with you, this devotional that I received from Inspiration Ministries, this morning. Remember, God has no limits--only those we place on Him-- through our own
ignorance, fear, disobedience and unbelief.
It's time for you to live a limitless life!
Beyond Our Limits
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
"Do not be afraid any longer, only believe." Mark 5:36 NASB
All hope had faded. The little girl already was dead. Her father, Jairus, had hoped Jesus would lay His hands on her "so that she will get well and live." But after receiving news of her death, his efforts seemed to be in vain. Those bearing the news assured Jairus that nothing more could be done, for it was too late.
However, Jesus knew that God's time is not man's time. What seems humanly impossible is a small thing for God.
He told Jairus, "Only believe."
When they reached the house where the girl's body lay, Jesus asked the mourners, "Why make a commotion and weep? The child has not died, but is asleep" (v. 39). They reacted with laughter. To them, Jesus' comment seemed foolish…laughable.
But He was not deterred by their doubt. He took the girl by the hand and said, "Little girl, I say to you, get up!" (v. 41) Immediately she arose and "began to walk," and everyone was "completely astounded," even the doubters (v. 42).
Jairus experienced the power of Jesus' words: "Only believe."
The world constantly tells us there are limits. That often makes it hard to understand that God is limitless. With Him, anything is possible! And He invites us to enter by faith into that
amazing realm of the impossible.
Today, you may face situations that seem impossible, challenges that seem overwhelming, or adversaries that seem too powerful. You may not know what to do, and it may even seem
you've already been defeated.
But remember Jairus. Dare to believe that God can do anything! Step into the supernatural realm where He reigns. Realize the limitlessness of His power and the greatness of His love. Don't let doubt and fear cripple your life, but be willing to move
out in faith. Believe…only believe!